Monday, July 21, 2008

A thunderstorm in a foreign country...

Here's a constant in any country... a really bad thunderstorm with major rain and flooding - can be - scary! Or at least make you question if it was a good idea to try and head to your next destination in Bulgaria despite the fact a major storm was brewing overhead during dinner.

Bulgaria's a wonderful country, but some of its roads are....well, let's just call them challenging. Last night we left Zlattetsa for a return to Sofia. The trip was supposed to be about an hour and twenty minutes long but our driver, Petko, had warned us the road would be difficult for most of the journey. By difficult, he means narrow and twisty. And while we're at it bumpy, uneven and full of potholes.

After a pleasant dinner, we head off in our van to Sofia and get caught in a torrential downpour with major lightning, wind gusts and massive flash flooding. We were making our way through a small mountain pass when the storm hit and since I was sitting in the front passenger seat - I quickly became Petko's second set of eyes on the road.

Water was everywhere. Coming down the hills and curves of the road...splashing from our tires and on-coming vehicles, the storm made what was already a taxing trip to Sofia - an adventure into some massive rain forrest. And we weren't done yet...the rain and the forrest was a perfect combination for instant fog.

The entire trip through the forrest from hell probably lasted no more than 25 minutes - but those 25 minutes reminded me that no matter what country you're in...what kind of car you're driving....or what kind of road you travel.... Mother Nature, if she wants to, has a unique way of making you wish you'd taken a rest stop!

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