Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dobrich thoughts....

Today was really hard on many levels.  We put in a full day shooting and running from orphanage to orphanage and what we saw and recorded there was even harder.

The kids in Dobrich are just like every other kid in the world... they love to play and have fun and they all want to be loved.  The kids in Dobrich don't feel loved.

The girl in the Dobrich pictures - see below- said that when she's graduated from the orphanage, she wants to find her mom and ask her why she left her daughter.  This young girl says she hates her mother and she wants answers - this is no way for a 13 year old girl to grow up.

The little boy loves to have his picture taken and he wants to take your picture too.  He's maybe 9 or 10 years old and he's living with other kids ranging in age from 4 to 17 years old.  One worker from the team we're here with said this place is like "Lord of the Flies," where the younger kids are being de-humanized and abused by the older ones.  Like I said, it was tough.

Before we left the orphanage, I played catch with two little girls about 9 and 11 years old.  They were just amazed at some adult playing catch with them.  I thought about my son and how fortunate I am that he can play catch with me anytime and he's never had to experience what these little girls have gone through.  When I get home, my son better expect at least an hour and half hug!

We're here in Suhman now - with two orphanage stops on the schedule.  Hopefully, these won't be has hard as Dobrich... but I have a feeling they won't be much better either.

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